
(redirected from Rockhopper penguin)
Related to Rockhopper penguin: emperor penguin, king penguin


1. (Animals) a small penguin, Eudyptes crestatus, of Antarctica, the Falkland Islands, and New Zealand, with a yellow crest on each side of its head
2. (Fishing) informal Austral a fisherman who fishes from the rocks on the sea coast
3. (Professions) informal Austral a fisherman who fishes from the rocks on the sea coast
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Worried for the welfare of the animals in very high temperatures, keepers took Rocky the Rockhopper penguin and his female companion (who didn't have a name) to the Silver Blades rink in Streatham, south London.
I HAVE a new favourite creature - the indomitable, bouncy and cheeky Rockhopper penguin.
From 1942 to 1985, the rockhopper penguin population at Campbell Island declined from about 800,000 breeding pairs to just 51,000 pairs, and the decline had continued since.
He is back this week in Happy Feet Two, reprising his creations of Ramon, leader of The Amigos, a small group of Adele Penguins, who fancies himself a having a way with the ladies, and Lovelace, a Rockhopper penguin who has become a life and romantic guru for the Adeles.
* 12-night Rugby World Cup Rockhopper Penguin Tour - First two England games from pounds 3,702 per person.
Patrick, a rockhopper penguin with distinctive yellow eyebrows, will make his debut as a cartoon character before he is revealed to the public.
HAUNTED by the death of his father in the jaws of a killer whale, Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick (voiced by LaBeouf) seeks solace in surfing - a perilous pursuit in the icy waters of Shiverpool.
The film follows the escapades of surfing Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick (voiced by Shia LaBeouf).
The documentary film crew continues to follow the escapades of courageous Cody Maverick (LaBeouf), a Rockhopper penguin whose father died in the jaws of a killer whale.
The incomparable actor does double voice duty in Happy Feet, also featuring as the eccentric Rockhopper penguin Lovelace, the Guru of Adelie Land who also narrates the story.
The band of wayfarers enlarges again with the addition of rockhopper penguin Lovelace (Williams again, in soulful mode), a self-styled guru.
TOSSEL the crest of a rockhopper penguin, formerly made into tossel mats on Tristan da Cunha